2014년 9월 30일 화요일

이강룡의 글쓰기 특강과 번역신공 - 1부 by ddanzi


딴지 영진공 58회: 대한민국 방화 걸작선1, 천사몽과 맨데이트 by ddanzi

딴지 영진공 58회: 대한민국 방화 걸작선1, 천사몽과 맨데이트


[럭키파파 육아일기 D+154] 첫 이유식 잘 먹었답니다.

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+154] 첫 이유식 잘 먹었답니다. 아직 뭐 쌀미음만 하고 있고 아주 쪼금씩 먹기 때문에 아빠는 사실 별걱정안했습니다. 아무래도 먹성은 아빠 닮아서 아주 잘먹기 때문이죠 일단 이유식은 엄마가 어느정도 만들어놓고 통에 담아두었다고 합니다. 오늘 낮에 문센가기전에 데워서 먹는다는데... 여기서 함정은 이유식은 잘먹는데 분유는 안먹는 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 배가 좀 찬상태라 그런지 이유식 그릇만 계속 쳐다보고 분유는 장난만 치고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 쌀미음이라 그다지 알러지나 그런거 없이 잘 먹고 하는것 같습니다. 오늘 문센 코드는 꿀벌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1vvRZC6


오늘의 날씨는 Mostly Sunny

With a high of 79F and a low of 58F.


걸신이라 불러다오 EP.45 : 공개방송 1부 by ddanzi


육아정보 - 천기저귀 VS 일회용 종이기저귀 선택 방법

육아정보 - 천기저귀 VS 일회용 종이기저귀 선택 방법 뭐 사실 저야 어렸을때 천기저귀를 쓰고 자랐겠지만... 요즘 천기저귀 쓰시는분들 찾기 힘듭니다. 대부분 일회용 종이기저귀를 많이 선택하십니다. 천기저귀 장점 :: 공기가 잘통하고 값이 싸고 친환경적, 기저귀 외에 다양한 용도로 사용 가능 단점으로는 빨리 갈아주지 않으면 엉덩이가 짓무르기 쉽고 변이 옆으로 샐 수 있습니다. 일회용 기저귀 장점 :: 한번 쓰고 버리기 때문에 천기저귀보다 위생적이다. 흡수력이 좋아 엉덩이가 뽀송뽀송하다. 방수가 된다. 등 단점으로는 환경오염 가격 등이 있습니다. 사실 저희는 계속 종이기저귀만 사용해와서... .......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1uy9Pq0


2014년 9월 29일 월요일

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+153] 밤중 수유 끊은지가 언젠데... 밤잠설친 럭키부모

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+153] 밤중 수유 끊은지가 언젠데... 밤잠설친 럭키부모 사실 육아의 가장 큰 일중에 하나가 밤중 수유입니다. 낮에는 대부분의 아이가 대동소이합니다. 조금 덜 힘들고 더 힘들고의 차이이지 다 힘들죠... 그런데 육아의 가장 크게 힘든부분은 밤중 수유인데... 사실 신생아때는 짧게는 2,3시간마다 길게는 4시간정도로 수유를 해야하기 때문에 엄마가 피곤하게 마련입니다. 이때가 8월초인데 이때쯤이면 아마 밤중에 밥달라고 한적은 거의 없었던것 같습니다. 예방 접종을 맞고 와서 아프다거나 할때를 제외하고는요... 어제 부부가 밤잠을 설쳤습니다. 물론 캐릭터 옷장 조립한다고 늦게잔.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1DU7FUx


럭키파파가 고른(?) 이유식 용품

럭키파파가 고른(?) 이유식 용품 이라고 제목을 달아봤지만... 현실은 럭키엄마가 고르고 결제대행만 한 제품들 모음입니다. 물론 몇가지는 제가 멋대로 골라서.... 기타 자세한 내용은 생략합니다. 일단 초록마을 표 쌀가루 - 찹쌀이랑 맵쌀 골고루 있습니다. [페도라] 팝체어 식탁의자 P1 색상은 오렌지색 잠시 앉혀봤는데 엉엉 울어서 다시 안아주느라 사진은 없습니다. 마구마구 아니고 마그마그 베이비컵이랑 빨대탑 내가 사자고 해서 빨대탑을 샀는데 빨대탑이랑 베이비컵이랑 색깔이 달라서 망함... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 과일망인데... 이건 특이하게 실리콘? 푸고.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1qQllFK


조립식 캐릭터 옷장 완성~

조립식 캐릭터 옷장 완성~ 수납공간이 무척 부족한... 저희집... 수납공간 확보를 위해 캐릭터 옷장을 샀습니다. 보시다시피 플라스틱 재질로 9칸짜리 옷장입니다. 8가지 캐릭터 + 1가지 중복이 있습니다. 이음새랑 이런건 충분하구요 칸막이는 9칸으로 짜기에는 1개가 남습니다. 조립방식 확인을 위한 설명서가 나오는데... 뭐 그냥 저렇습니다. 그냥 끼우면 됩니다. 하다보면 요령이 생기는데요 이음새를 최대한 늦게 꽃는 다는 생각으로 작업하시면 더 빨리 하실듯... 서비스로 물티슈가 2개 왔더라구요 세트리모늄브로마이드는 없는 물티슈 였던걸로... 못봤을수도 있어요 밤 12시를 향해 가는 중에 찍은거라.........

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/Zm4Gom


오늘의 날씨는 Partly Cloudy

With a high of 78F and a low of 59F.


2014년 9월29일 Twitter 이야기

Edolkey 08:05|twitter 오늘의 날씨는 PM Showers http://t.co/1GkawJ0NlL Edolkey 08:13|twitter LG전자 T2526W0Z 세탁기 리콜 후기 #2 LG전자 불만제로 먼지망 세탁기 손상된 의류는 누가 보상해주나? #LG전자 #lg (불만제로 세탁기 모델명) http://t.co/cMgD2Xn4YG Edolkey 08:21|twitter 아시안게임 실시간 중계 http://t.co/0onzoSxgfR ..<br><br>tag : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=Twitter" rel="tag" target="_blank">Twitter</a>

from 필리핀 http://ift.tt/1wRl6zR


[강신주 법회] 매달린 절벽에서 손을 뗄 수 있는가 - 3부 by ddanzi


아이존 아기체육관 사용 후기

아이존 아기체육관 사용 후기 아이존 아기체육관은 4가지 단계로 사용이 가능합니다. 그래서 좀 더 일찍 사줄껄 하는 아쉬움이 있는데요 아직은 혼자 앉지 못해서 누워서 사용하고 앉아서 사용하기 짚고 일어서기 서서 사용하기 등등 4가지로 사용가능하다고 합니다. 하지만 실제로는 높이 설치하기 낮게 설치하기 두가지 방법과 아기 체육관 본체를 회전시키면서 4~6가지 정도로 회전이 가능하니까 더 많은 용도로 사용이 가능하긴합니다. 본체는 이렇습니다. 음악이 1,2,3단계가 있고 가운데 북이 있고 건반이 있습니다. 아직 건반을 못치니까 3단계로 놓고 건반을 눌러줘서 피아노처럼 눌러주고 놀기도 합니다. 본.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1CzJ0CV


2014년 9월 28일 일요일

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+152] 주말의 일과~ 광주호수생태공원 나들이

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+152] 주말의 일과~ 광주호수생태공원 나들이 주말에 생태공원에 다녀왔습니다. 처음 만났을때도 다녀오고 임신해서도 다녀오고 사실 지산동에서 호수생태공원까지 넘어가는 길이 너무 좋아서 종종 넘어다니곤 하거든요 ㅎㅎ 이번에도 그렇게 다녀왔습니다. 사실 아가들 생태공원 구경시켜준다고 하고 실상은 엄마아빠 운동...... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 갈때는 카시트에 안전하게~ 공원에서는 힙시트로~ 엄마가 고생했죠 침받이 대신 아기띠용 치발기를 달아줬는데... 뽀득 뽀득 잘 빨아먹습니다. 럭키는 생태공원 구경하는게 아니라 치발기 핥으러 다닌듯... 얼굴이 흥건하게 젖.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1rDJvZo


카터스 해외 직구 원피스 - 카터스 사이즈 직접 입혀보니...

카터스 해외 직구 원피스 - 카터스 사이즈 직접 입혀보니... 카터스에서 원피스 해외직구를 했습니다. 사실 8월 말에 구입해서 올 겨울에 입히려고 9M, 12M을 샀습니다. 일단 당시에 선물받았던 6M 제품이 딱 맞았기 때문에 최소 그정도는 사야하지 않겠냐... 라는 생각에 좀 얇은 긴팔은 9M 두꺼운것은 12M으로 구입했습니다. 외국에서 오래 사셨던분 말씀으로는 그게 6개월 9개월 12개월이 맞다는군요...... 이 원피스는 9M인데... 얼추 맞네요? 결론은 6M은 70 ~ 80정도 9M은90보다 살짝 큰정도? 요즘 80은 너무 딱맞고 90을 입히고 있는 중이라 9M도 그리 크지 않습니다. 12M이라고 엄청 크거나 하지 않습.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/YCo2Eb


오늘의 날씨는 PM Showers

With a high of 74F and a low of 63F.


2014년 9월 27일 토요일

오늘의 날씨는 Sunny

With a high of 83F and a low of 67F.


2014년 9월 26일 금요일

오늘의 날씨는 Mostly Sunny

With a high of 80F and a low of 61F.


2014년 9월26일 Twitter 이야기

Edolkey 00:50|twitter 2014년 9월25일 Twitter 이야기 http://t.co/tqswHg1V11 Edolkey 00:54|twitter LG전자 T2526W0Z 세탁기 리콜 후기 #2 LG전자 불만제로 먼지망 세탁기 손상된 의류는 누가 보상해주나? #LG전자 #lg (불만제로 세탁기 모델명) http://t.co/cMgD2Xn4YG Edolkey 00:57|twitter 2014년 9월25일 Twitter 이야기 http://ift.tt/YjmIGf : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=Twitter" rel="tag" target="_blank">Twitter</a>

from 필리핀 http://ift.tt/1naIHve


집단 WPI 워크샵 8회 2부 : 휴머니스트+로맨티스트 그룹발표 by ddanzi


탁피디의 여행수다 41회 - 대망의 첫 해외 녹음방송 '꿈과 낭만의 양쯔강 크루즈' 1부 by ddanzi

양쯔강 넌 나에게 즐거움을 주었어!


화순발효산업미래포럼 창립식 다녀왔습니다.

최근 발효에 대해 관심이 커졌는데요.발효와 관련한 화순 거주하시는 학자발효에 관심있는 기업인지역 발전에 발효를 접목하려는 지자체가 뜻을 모은 포럼이었습니다. 창조적 지역발전 전략과 맞물려 화순이 단순히 광주의 위성도시가 아니라 독립적인 발효 테마를 갖게되겠다는 멋진 포부가 함께하는 자리였습니다.자세한 후기는 나중에~

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1vmnq1t


하이피델리티 24회 - 단풍놀이용 뮤직 TOP15 by ddanzi


2014년 9월 25일 목요일

[강신주 법회] 매달린 절벽에서 손을 뗄 수 있는가 - 2부 by ddanzi


한눈에 이해하는 대하 구분 법 ( 대하 흰다리새우 구분 방법 )

한눈에 이해하는 대하 구분 법 ( 대하 흰다리새우 구분 방법 ) 대하철이라고 하는데... 대하랑 흰다리새우 구분하는 방법이 참... 그냥 동네는 다 흰다리새우겠거니 하고 먹는게 맘편할까요? ㅎㅎ 조만간 대하구이 전문점을 돌면서 확인해봐야겠군요 두줄 요약 1. 뿔이 코 끝을 넘지 않는다. 2. 꼬리색이 흰다리새우는어두운색+붉은계열 대하는 밝은색이다. 죽은정도에 따라 눈이 튀어나오니까 눈 튀어나온걸로는 확인하기 어렵다고 합니다. 2014 대하 & 전어축제 정리~ >> 섬진강 문화 축제(구.전어축제) 기간 : 2014.9.26(금)~9.28(일) 장소 : 전남 광양시 망덕포구 무접섬광장 >> 안면.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/YgnFiY


이용대 선수 직찍사 방출해봅니다.

이용대 선수 직찍사 방출해봅니다. 이때가 2012년 세계 대학 배드민턴대회 였던걸로 기억하는데요... 대학생이 아닌 이용대 선수는 왜... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 광주에서 관중을 동원하려면 당대 최고의 배드민턴 선수를 섭외했어야했기에... 라는 생각도 들고 뭐 아무튼 이용대 선수도 출전했습니다. 이때가 아마 런던올림픽 직후였던걸로... 11월초였으니까요 김소영 선수와 짝을 이뤄 복식에 참가했습니다. 이용대 선수는 전종목에 참가하지는 않았고 혼합복식만 참가했습니다. 그리고 가장 중요했던 팬 싸인회... 찍은 사진이 많긴하는데 이용대 선수 경기수가 워낙 적어 팬 사인회 위주로 올려봅니다. (하.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1svvBKT


박주호 골 동영상, 140925 한국 홍콩 하이라이트 #asiangame #축구

박주호 골 동영상, 140925 한국 홍콩 하이라이트 #asiangame #축구 박주호 맹활약!! 와일드카드 다운 면모를 보여줬습니다. <br><br>tag : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=축구" rel="tag" target="_blank">축구</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=하이라이트" rel="tag" target="_blank">하이라이트</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=아시안게임" rel="tag" target="_blank">아시안게임</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=박주호" rel="tag" target="_blank">박주호</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=한국 홍콩" rel="tag" target="_blank">한국 홍콩</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=박주호 골 동영상" rel="tag" target="_blank">박주호 골 동영상</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=박주호 골" rel="tag" target="_blank">박주호 골</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=140925 한국 홍콩 하이라이트" rel="tag" target="_blank">140925 한국 홍콩 하이라이트</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=한국 홍콩 하이라이트" rel="tag" target="_blank">한국 홍콩 하이라이트</a>

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이대호 19호 홈런 일본반응 + 이대호 19호 홈런 동영상

이대호 19호 홈런 일본반응 + 이대호 19호 홈런 동영상 이대호 19호 홈런 동영상 그리고 이대호 19호 홈런 일본반응 입니다. 이대호 19호 홈런 동영상 :: http://ift.tt/ZTy5Gk <2회초 라쿠텐 공격시 득점 상황 부터> ID:4sEhmQay 이봐 이봐 뭐하냐 ID:wga+G5gD 으 아 ..<br><br>tag : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=이대호" rel="tag" target="_blank">이대호</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=이대호 홈런" rel="tag" target="_blank">이대호 홈런</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=이대호 19호 홈런 동영상" rel="tag" target="_blank">이대호 19호 홈런 동영상</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=이대호 19호 홈런" rel="tag" target="_blank">이대호 19호 홈런</a>,&nbsp;<a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=이대호 19호 홈런 일본반응" rel="tag" target="_blank">이대호 19호 홈런 일본반응</a>

from 필리핀 http://ift.tt/YemEaL


오늘의 날씨는 Partly Cloudy

With a high of 77F and a low of 60F.


2014년 9월25일 Twitter 이야기

Edolkey 08:08|twitter 오늘의 날씨는 Mostly Sunny http://t.co/klrlNdO1YA Edolkey 08:08|twitter LG전자 T2526W0Z 세탁기 리콜 후기 #2 LG전자 불만제로 먼지망 세탁기 손상된 의류는 누가 보상해주나? #LG전자 #lg (불만제로 세탁기 모델명) http://t.co/cMgD2Xn4YG Edolkey 08:34|twitter 아시안게임 실시간 중계 http://ift.tt/1xnE7go : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=Twitter" rel="tag" target="_blank">Twitter</a>

from 필리핀 http://ift.tt/1sZUfO1


2014년 9월 24일 수요일

레버쿠젠 아우크스부르크 하이라이트 - 손흥민 골 동영상 (시즌 5호골 리그 2호골)

레버쿠젠 아우크스부르크 하이라이트 - 손흥민 골 동영상 (시즌 5호골 리그 2호골)


오늘의 날씨는 Mostly Sunny

With a high of 80F and a low of 64F.


아시안게임 야구 중계 일정 - 9월 24일 18시 30분 (대만전)

아시안게임 야구 중계 일정 - 9월 24일 18시 30분 (대만전)


[강신주 법회] 매달린 절벽에서 손을 뗄 수 있는가 - 1부 by ddanzi


오늘은 택배 오는날~

택배가 한가득... 얼마전에 해외직구했더고 밝혔던 먼치킨 7가지... 이유식 용품들 그리고 삐뽀삐뽀 이유식 책 진주 유등축제 입장권(우편) 이 도착했습니다. 그리고 이 글을 쓰는 와중에 아미쿡 이유식 냄비도 도착 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 택배 인증샷은 아래 첨부합니다. 많이 산듯하지만 다 합치면 10만원정도(?) 직구한게 60달러어치니까요... 참... 집으로 분유가 도착한것 같습니다!?

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1vf9MMM


패션메시아 24회 - 스니커즈 : 질주의 역사 by ddanzi


딴지 영진공 57회: 썸남썸녀를 허하라. by ddanzi

썸남썸녀를 허하라.


2014년 9월 23일 화요일

황금시대 시사회 초대 이벤트

시사회 장소는 서울에서 진행될 예정입니다. 전국 예매권이 아니기 때문에 장소의 제약이 있습니다. 양해부탁드립니다.※ 이벤트 참여방법페이스북 참여 주소 ::http://ift.tt/1mPaiSh 참여 주소 ::http://ift.tt/1v9hHfj. PC에서 페북 트위터 참여 방법 자신이 공유한 게시글 작성 시간에 우클릭 하고 뜨는 메뉴에서 바로가기 복사하면 주소 복사 가능2. 스마트폰 시 트위터의 경우 트위터 어플에서 메뉴 버튼 누르면 트윗링크복사하기 메뉴가 뜹니다. 그 링크를 활용하시면 되고 페이스북의 경우 브라우져로 로그인 후 1번 방법으로 하시면 됩니다.카카오스토리.......

from 비타민하우스 블로그, 비타민은 비타민하우스!! http://ift.tt/1v9hFEq


국화축제 계절이 돌아왔습니다.

국화축제 계절이 돌아왔습니다. 벌써 가을이 되었고 다음주면 10월이니 국화 축제의 계절이 돌아왔네요 사진은 가장 가까운 국화축제인 함평 국화 축제 함평국향대전 사진입니다. 개인적으로 가장 운영을 잘하고 있다고 평가하고 싶은 이유가... 함평국향대전 장소에서 봄에는 나비축제를 합니다. 그러면서 함평하면 한우, 국화, 나비 요렇게 묶어가는 센스 나름 공무원들이 직접 발로 뛰면서 예산을 아끼고 진행하는거라 실속있게 진행하더라구요 형형색색 다양한 국화들을 볼 수 있는 국화 축제에서 꽃내음도 흠뻑 맡아 보셨으면 좋겠네요 전국국화 축제 일정 인천 드림파크 국화축제 (9.20 ~ 10.05).......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1xbf2VE


오늘의 날씨는 Rain/Wind

With a high of 77F and a low of 60F.


2014년 9월23일 Twitter 이야기

Edolkey 03:41|twitter Maigrir Sans Ruacute;Gime - Mbacute;Thode Apfeldorfer - Doctissimo http://t.co/4tKJG9B5sF Edolkey 07:27|twitter Cure Drainante - Maigrir http://t.co/x5MLumats9 Edolkey 08:06|twitter 오늘의 날씨는 PM Rain http://t.co/jx64uU7mos Edolkey 08:19|twitter LG전자 T2526W0Z 세탁기 리콜 후기 #2 LG전자 불만제로 먼지망 세탁기 손상된 의..<br><br>tag : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=Twitter" rel="tag" target="_blank">Twitter</a>

from 필리핀 http://ift.tt/1B3yBNc


2014년 9월 22일 월요일

쎌바이오텍 기업분석 - 동종업계 종사자 입장 글

건강기능식품 업계 종사자로써 몇가지 포인트만 적어봅니다.

투자 및 유산균 섭취에 참고만 하시기 바랍니다. :-)

이번에 쎌바이오텍 특허에 대한 평가
지난 26일 "항균용 유산균 사균체 제조방법" 에 대한 특허를 취득했다고 발표하였습니다. 

여기서 주목할것은 사균체라는 점 입니다. 

사균체는 유산균을 배양해서 균이 죽으면 사균이 됩니다. 여기서 죽은 사균을 균일하게 만드는 기술을 개발했다는 의미입니다.

그렇다면 유산균 생균과 사균의 차이는?
유산균이 흔히 장 기능을 활성화 시켜준다고 하시는데... 유산균 사균의 역활은 생균의 먹이가 되는것입니다. 

특허의 내용처럼 실제로 사균을 섭취하면 설사가 멈추거나 하는게 아니라 사균을 섭취함으로써 장내에 있던 유익균의 먹이가 되어 유익균들이 활성화되어 장 기능을 정상화 시켜주는것입니다. 

이 특허로 개발된 건강기능식품 듀오락 스탑은 보도자료를 보면 마치 지사제를 대체할 수 있는 제품처럼 나왔는데... 식약처에서 과대광고로 지적당할 수 있는 약간의 소지는 있어보입니다. 
(실제로 효과/효능이 있더라도 건강기능식품에서 치료제처럼 광고를 하면 심의에 걸립니다.)

어쨌든 사균을 많이 섭취하는것은 건강기능식품의 의미보다는 의약품에 가까운 느낌이 있습니다. 

실제로 비타민의 경우에도 의사 처방에따라 과다섭취시키기도 합니다. 그렇기 때문에 당연히 저희도 일반인이 구매할 수 있는 제품과 달리 병원에서 구매할 수 있는 제품군이 따로 있습니다. 

사족이 길었는데요...

생균은 사균 또는 식이섬유 등을 먹고 장내에 유해균을 내모는 역활을 합니다. 

생균은 장내 유익균을 투여하면서 장에 있는 유해균을 제거합니다. 

이와 비슷하면서 다른 역활을 하는게 효모라는게 있는데요 항생제로 인해 죽은 유익균의 밸런스를 맞춰주고 유산균의 경우 유익균 자체의 개체수를 늘려주는 역활을 합니다. 

유익균은 왜 필요하냐? 유익균이 있어야 유해균과 싸우게 됩니다. 한마디로 유산균이 유해균과 싸워주면서 면역기능이 되는것이죠. 그래서 유산균을 섭취하면 면역력과 관련된 질환이 개선되는것처럼 보입니다. 

실제로는 면역력을 키워줄 유익균들이 없어서 생기는 질환이라 유익균이 생기면서 면역력이 회복되면서 증상이 좋아지는것이죠. 밥을 안먹어서 배고프면 밥을 먹으면 되는데 항생제는 죽지말라고 포도당 수액을 맞는것이고 유익균은 밥을 먹이는겁니다. 

사균은 식이섬유와 함께 생균 즉 유익균의 먹이가 됩니다. 그래서 장내에 있는 유익균이 활발하게 움직이게 됩니다. 

유산균을 먹었는데 아토피, 천식, 변비, 설사가 개선되는 이유는?
위와 마찬가지로 몸에 있는 유해한 균들을 제거해주는 역활을 하기 때문에 몸에 있는 질환을 스스로 이겨낼 수 있는 여지가 조금 더 생기는것입니다. 

한마디로 스스로 이겨낼 수 있는 정도의 질환인데 여러가지 원인에 의하여 몸에 유익균이 부족하여 이겨내지 못하는 분들이 유산균을 섭취해서 유익균을 꾸준히 보충하면 여러 질환이 개선될 수 있는 여지가 있는것이죠.

물론 유산균은 건강기능식품이지 의약품이 아니기 때문에 치료를 목적으로 섭취하라는 의미는 아닙니다. 

유산균 시장 전망은?
지난해 가장 높은 성장률을 보인 제품군이 바로 유산균입니다. 몇년전 오메가3 열풍을 연상하게 할 정도로 업계에서는 주목하고 있는 제품입니다. 

아직까지는 오메가3처럼 과다, 남용에 대한 정보가 없기 때문에 당분간 악재는 없다고 보셔도 될 것 같습니다. 

사실 이미 영양이 부족해서 건강기능을 섭취하는 시대는 진작에 끝났기 때문에 다이어트, 디톡스등의 시장으로 흘러가고 있습니다. 앞으로 유산균은 디톡스에서 가장 큰 분야를 차지할 것으로 전망하고 있습니다. 

실제 저희 회사도 불과 얼마전까지만해도 오메가3 판매량이 회사 매출을 좌우지했으나 최근에는 다이어트, 유산균 제품군으로 매출을 주도하고 있습니다. 

유산균시장에서 쎌바이오텍의 입지(및 개선점)
실제 유산균 업종에서 핵심 키워드는 생균의 냉장유통인데... 몇몇 업체들은 약국에 이미 냉장고를 넣고 냉장유통 유산균을 판매하고 있습니다. 

반면 쎌바이오텍 듀오락은 아직 그런 움직임은 보이지 않고 있습니다. 

국내에서는 마케팅에 앞섰지만 함유된 유산균종 숫자 등은 타 제품에 비해 평균이하로 보입니다. 또한 cfu 전쟁이 예고되면서 앞다투어 고함량 유산균이 출시되었기 때문에 여러모로 점점 진흙탕 싸움이 될 가능성이 커보입니다.

그래도 쎌바이오텍은 특허로 인정받은 기술력과 해외시장 진출등이 있기 때문에 우물안에서 싸우는 국내 브랜드와는 클래스가 다르긴합니다.

아는게 별로 없어 기업분석은 일단 대충 접고.... 유산균 이야기를 좀 하자면...

(구매 or 직접 만든)유산균 요구르트 VS 캡슐 유산균
선택은 본인이 하시는것이지만... 저는 캡슐이 낫더라구요 

만들고 하루정도 안에 먹어야하는데... 식구가 두식구라... 요구르트 제조기로 만들면 하루에 먹기 힘들고 일단 번거롭더라구요

와이프도 임신하고 해서... 매일 매일 시키기도 뭐하고...

마트에서 구매한 유산균 요구르트는 다들 아시다시피 당분이 너무 많습니다. 유산균보다 설탕이 훨씬 더 많이 있다고 생각하시면 됩니다. 그래서 차라리 캡슐 유산균이 낫습니다.
(물론 아이요 분말형도 있고... 캡슐이 싫으시면 캡슐 따서 속에 있는 분말을 드시면 됩니다......)

분석은 됐고, 유산균 먹어보니...
※ 듀오락 먹고난 후기는 아니고 저희 회사 제품 먹어본 후기입니다.

저는 뭐 잘 모르겠더라구요. 다만 작년 초에 설사, 장염 이런걸 달고 살았는데 올해는 설사한번 없이 아직까지 버틸만합니다. 

그리고 임신을 하면 변비가 생기게 마련인데... 

임신한 와이프가 초기에는 변비로 좀 고생했는데 유산균 매일 꼭꼭 챙겨먹은 이후로 와이프는 변비가 없고 매일 쾌변합니다. 앉으면 일어나더라구요...

이정도로 짧게나마 아는 지식 + 경험담은 다 이야기한것 같네요^^

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올 3월쯤 쓰여진 글입니다.

관세청 통관고유부호 받고 좋아진점

관세청 통관고유부호 받고 좋아진점 이제 법적으로 통관고유부호를 받지 않으면 처리가 매우 느리다는 관세청의 통보에 따라 낼름 통관고유부호를 받았습니다. (저번에는 안온것같은데...) 통관 고유부호에 저장된 연락처로 통관결과가 통지됩니다. 오늘 아침 비행기로 입국한것을 확인했는데 벌써 통관이 완료되었다고 합니다. 물론 품목이 다 식품이 아닌 공산품들이고 60달러 정도의 소액이라 목록으로 통관이 가능했나봅니다. 참고로 이번에 해외 직구 구매품목은 아이허브에서 먼치킨 브랜드 이것저것 막 샀습니다.

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1wIjrMT


[럭키파파 육아일기 D+146] 럭키 이유식 준비중 국민이유식냄비 아미쿡 통3중 밀크팬 구입

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+146] 럭키 이유식 준비중 국민이유식냄비 아미쿡 통3중 밀크팬 구입 일단 가장 큰 고심은 냄비였습니다. 어짜피 미음부터 시작하는거라 냄비만 있으면... 어느정도 고민 끝이니까요 다음건 다음에 해도 되고... 라는 생각으로... 그러다가 국민 이유식 냄비 아미쿡 구입하면 죽통도 준다길래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다음에서 검색해서 들어가면 쿠폰 적용이 되더라구요~!? 그외에 먼치킨 수저, 먼치킨 수저포크세트, 먼치킨 건조대, 먼치킨 그릇세트, 먼치킨 냉동그릇, 먼치킨 야채쪼개기, 먼치킨 헬로키티 빨대컵 아 무슨 먼치킨 마니아처럼... 먼치킨만 골라서 지르는... 센스쟁이 아빠. 화.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1wHV0is


LG전자 T1407W8 간단한 사용후기

LG전자 T1407W8 간단한 사용후기 블로그 글을 꾸준히 보시면 아시겠지만... 아니면 카테고리글을 보시면 아시겠지만 해당 세탁기는 저희가 구매한건 아니고 불만제로 나왔던 세탁기 수리 후 교환 조치를 받고 사용한 세탁기입니다. 아주 짧고 간단 명료하게 후기를 남기겠습니다. 1. 소음이 심하다. - 소음의 기준이 좀 다르겠지만 저희집은 집 밖 복도에 세탁기가 있습니다. 기존 LG전자 T2526W0Z 제품과 비교했을때 소음이 좀 더 크다고 합니다. 2. 먼지는 확실히 줄었다. - LG전자 T2526W0Z 제품보다 당연히 먼지도 줄고 옷감 손상도 많이 줄었습니다. 혹시 교환 진행중이신분들은 참고하시기 바랍니다.

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1wHUYax


고대 총학생회 중앙일보 대학평가순위 거부한 이유

고대 총학생회 대학평가순위 거부한 이유

고려대학교 총학생회장 최종운 학생회장이 중앙일보에서 발표한 대학평가 순위를 거부하겠다고 밝혔다.

대학의 본질을 벗어난다는 입장이다.

나도 지들 멋데로 평가한거고 그냥 대학 줄세우기일뿐이라고 생각한다.

박태환 경기 일정 및 중계 안내

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넥슨지티 매수 타이밍

넥슨지티 매수 타이밍

지금 넥슨지티 주가가 조정받고 있다면 매수 타이밍으로 보이고 있다.

현재 출시 예정인 라인업만 봐도 그렇다.

9월말~10월초 사이에 서든어택 모바일 for kakao 출시 예정
10월 슈퍼판타지워 오픈
1월 서든어택2 오픈

대작이 기대되는 가운데 1월까지는 꾸준하게 매수해보는것이 좋아보인다.

오늘의 날씨는 PM Rain

With a high of 75F and a low of 68F.


걸신이라 불러다오 EP.44 : 대전 소울시티, 고추인문학, 쌀국수 샐러드 레시피, 빠가사리 매운탕 맛집 by ddanzi


아시안게임 야구 중계

아시안게임 야구 중계

안나올 경우 :: http://wegetfree.net/xe/br.html

2014년 9월 21일 일요일

토마토를 국에 넣는다면?

토마토를 국에 넣는다면? 사실 어렸을때 이른바 경양식 음식점에 가서 토마토 스프를 먹으면 참 맛없어서 안먹겠다고 하다가... 아...아닙니다... 이랬던 기억이... 토마토의 새초롬한 특유의 맛이 참 별루였던 기억이 납니다. 외국에서는 토마토를 데쳐서 먹습니다. 우리랑 식습관이 비슷한 필리핀에서는 국으로 만들어 먹기도 합니다. 사실 이후 라면, 김치찌개 등에 많이 넣어 먹어봤는데요... 그 맛이 새콤 하면서 맛있습니다. 김치의 신맛과 잘 어울리구요 라면의 매콤한 맛과도 잘 어울립니다. 그리고 토마토를 먹었다는 생각에 약간 건강하게 먹었다는 느낌도 들구요

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1p9De2P


환타의 서바이벌 투어 11회 [남미3탄] - 2부 by ddanzi


[럭키파파 육아일기 D+145] 신생아 낯가림의 시작?

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+145] 낯가림의 시작? 럭키는 낯선 환경이거나 놀라거나 할 경우 잘 웃는 경향이 있습니다. 물론 그렇다고 무조건 웃는건 아니고 날카로운 소음에 놀랄경우 울기도 하지만 단순히 사람 육성에 놀랄때는 웃습니다. 그래서 문화센터에 가서도 잘 웃고 꺌꺌 거리고 잘 놉니다. 그런데 할머니댁에 가면서 대성통곡을 했습니다. 원인을 정리해보면... 1. 졸림, 졸린데 할머니가 반갑다고 큰소리로 인사해서 놀람 2. 아빠한테 안겨있다가 할머니와 고모한테 옮겨지고 아빠랑 엄마는 다른데 가심 3. 울먹거리니까 아빠한테 안겼지만 결국 자기는 바닥에 내려지고 엄마아빠는 밥먹음...... 결국은 엄마가 달.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1B0wAkU


John Wayne: The Epic Collection – $68.99 (reg. $149), BEST price!

John Wayne: The Epic Collection – $68.99 (reg. $149), BEST price!

John Wayne: The Epic Collection

Amazon dropped the price on this John Wayne: The Epic Collection (with Amazon Exclusive “Duke” Belt Buckle) (2014) to $68.99 (reg. $149.98). This is the BEST price this has been on Amazon by more than $30, it averages closer to $115!
The Collection Includes:
40 John Wayne films (on 38 discs)
20-page lay flat book including a chronological presentation of John Wayne films and filled with wonderful photographs
17 artifacts of special John Wayne memorabilia with script pages/covers, correspondence, and behind the scenes
It also includes an Amazon exclusive “Duke” belt buckle
The Epic Collection includes:
1932 – Big Stampede / Ride Him, Cowboy / Haunted Gold
1933 – The Telegraph Trail / Somewhere in Sonora / The Man From Monterey
1939 – Allegheny Uprising
1942 – Reunion in France
1944 – Tall in the Saddle
1945 – Back to Bataan
1945 – They Were Expendable
1946 – Without Reservations
1947 – Tycoon
1948 – Fort Apache
1948 – 3 Godfathers
1949 – She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
1951 – Operation Pacific
1951 – Flying Leathernecks
1952 – Big Jim McLain
1953 – Trouble Along the Way
1955 – The Sea Chase
1955 – Blood Alley
1956 – The Searchers
1957 – The Wings of Eagles
1959 – Rio Bravo
1962 – Hatari!
1962 – How the West Was Won: PART 1
1962 – How the West Was Won: PART 2
1962 – The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
1963 – Donovan’s Reef
1965 – In Harm’s Way
1965 – The Sons of Katie Elder
1966 – El Dorado
1968 – The Green Berets
1969 – True Grit
1970 – Chisum
1972 – The Cowboys
1973 – The Train Robbers
1973 – Cahill: United States Marshal
1974 – McQ
1976 – The Shootist – Bonus disc
Ships FREE. Amazon prices can change at anytime.

Exchange program a new experience for mentors

“One who dares to teach must never cease to learn,” American librarian John Cotton Dana, once said. This, in a nutshell, is the message that non-profit organization Teach for the Philippines conveys to its teacher-fellows. As part of its mission of training teachers, Teach for the Philippines recently participated in an exchange mentoring program with the Boracay European International School, where teacher-fellows taught students in Boracay in an immersion exercise.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1sTKtNE


Boston welcomes back Noy

President Aquino received a warm welcome from the Filipino community here Saturday as he reminisced about his family’s days in exile before his father, former senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr., was assassinated in Manila in August 1983. “It’s very emotional for me because when Benigno went home he really had very strong feelings about doing a good job in the Philippines,” recalled Leticia Hermosa, the national president of the Philippine Nurses Association of America. She turned nostalgic upon learning of the visit of the only son of Ninoy and Corazon Aquino.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyQey


House bill seeks stronger illegal wealth forfeiture law

Two Mindanao congressmen have filed a bill that seeks to strengthen the law on forfeiture of illegal wealth acquired by government officials and employees. Cagayan de Oro City Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, who is president of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, and his brother Maximo, who represents party-list group Abante Mindanao, authored Bill 4732. The bill is titled, “An Act strengthening the forfeiture powers of the State, amending for the purpose certain provisions of Republic Act No. 1379, otherwise known as, ‘An Act declaring forfeiture in favor of the State any property found to have been unlawfully acquired by any public officer or employee and providing for the proceedings therefore’.”

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyPYc


Albay execs bracing for worst-case scenario

Officials in the province of Albay are still bracing for a worst case scenario despite the lull in the abnormal activities of Mayon Volcano in the past three days. Albay Gov. Joey Salceda told The STAR that provincial officials cannot be complacent in the ongoing preparations for a full-blown eruption despite the decrease in the number of volcanic earthquakes and rockfall events since Thursday. Only four volcanic earthquakes and eight rockfall events were recorded by the Lignon Observatory here in the past 24 hours, according to the latest bulletin of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1sTKr8u


Navy activates operational group to track down Sayyaf

The Philippine Navy has activated its operational group to track down the terrorist Abu Sayyaf following the surge in kidnappings perpetrated by militants in southern Philippines, a military official said yesterday. Apart from tracking down the Abu Sayyaf bandits, the group will also monitor the possible movement of Islamic State jihadists in Mindanao, Rear Admiral Reynaldo Yoma, commander of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao, said. Police and military intelligence officials have not confirmed the existence of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant in the country but reports said the Abu Sayyaf and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters had pledged allegiance to the IS.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyN2u


Lawmaker hits UP ‘bigoted hooligans’

Rep. Rodel Batocabe of party-list group Ako Bicol denounced yesterday the “bigoted hooligans” at the University of the Philippines who attacked Budget Secretary Florencio Abad after speaking at a forum on the budget last week. “As an alumnus of the UP school of economics, I am ashamed that within the bastion of academic freedom, there is a bigoted, misguided and intolerant minority that does not know how to respect the views of others,” he said. It was the student council of the UP school of economics that invited Abad.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1sTKnFI


Death toll from Tropical Storm Mario reaches 10

Ten people died from Tropical Storm Mario and damage to agriculture and infrastructure was placed at P144 million. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said the deaths – mostly by drowning – were reported in Metro Manila, the province of Rizal and Bicol region. In Metro Manila, seven people were reported injured.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyPHH


Lotto prize seen to hit P260 M

The jackpot for the 6/55 Grand Lotto continues to rise and is expected to reach P260 million in time for today’s draw, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) announced yesterday.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyPrg


Congress, DOE set talks on emergency powers

The Department of Energy (DOE) and Congress are set to discuss President Aquino’s request for emergency powers to deal with a projected electricity shortage in Luzon in the summer of 2015. Sen. Sergio Osmeña, who chairs the Senate committee on energy, has asked for a special meeting with Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla and Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management (PSALM) president Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. to thresh out details on the grant of special powers.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyMLO


Aeta grandmas to train as solar engineers

Seven grandmothers from Aeta communities in the provinces of Tarlac, Zambales and Abra, who all can neither read nor write, have been selected to attend a training program in a college in India and become ‘solar engineers’. They comprise the first batch from the Philippines and are headed for an alternative school called The Barefoot College in India. “What the poor thought important is reflected in the college,” said Sanjit “Bunker” Roy, founder of Barefoot College and listed among the 100 most influential persons by TIME Magazine in 2010.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyMvr


Fewer Pinoy maids hired in Qatar – DOLE

Fewer Filipino household service workers (HSWs) are being hired in Qatar. Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in that country has reported a decline in the hiring of HSWs for the past three years. “Based on the verified individual employment contracts and job orders, the deployment of Filipino domestic workers to Qatar has been on the downtrend during the last three years,” she said.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1uQyMf5


US military struggles to preserve options in Islamic State fight #gma news

WASHINGTON - As America re-engages with Iraq and deepens its involvement in the region's web of sectarian conflicts, the Pentagon has made a practical assessment of the brutal job of stabilizing Baghdad: in the future, US forces may be needed on the front lines.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wE087g #gma news


New York climate march draws hundreds of thousands #gma news

NEW YORK - An international day of action on climate change brought hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets of New York City on Sunday, easily exceeding organizers' hopes for the largest protest on the issue in history.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1B0l1dD #gma news


NDRRMC: 2 Zambales fishermen missing in wake of TS Mario #gma news

Search efforts are ongoing for two fishermen reported missing in the wake of Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) since Friday, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said late Sunday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1rfyFIB #gma news


Pope says religion can’t justify violence #gma news

TIRANA - Pope Francis warned during a visit to Albania on Sunday that religion can never be used to justify violence, making apparent reference to the bloodshed wreaked by Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1v72uuk #gma news


Sierra Leone wraps up three-day Ebola lockdown #gma news

FREETOWN - Sierra Leoneans on Sunday celebrated the end of a three-day lockdown aimed at stemming the world's worst ever Ebola epidemic, as authorities claimed the controversial operation had identified dozens of new infections and located scores of bodies.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tPM2jV #gma news


오늘의 날씨는 Sunny

With a high of 82F and a low of 62F.


PNoy recalls first winter, Martial Law in first Boston visit in 31 years #gma news

President Benigno Aquino III reminisced on his first winter in Boston and the Martial Law years on Monday (PHL time), during his first visit to the Massachusetts city after 31 years.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1utUS4u #gma news


84 PHL peacekeepers arrive home from Golan Heights #gma news

Around 84 Filipino soldiers who served as United Nations peacekeepers at the Golan Heights returned home, arriving at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Sunday night.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1rf9bel #gma news


Pope, on trip to mainly Muslim Albania, condemns Islamist militants #gma news

Pope Francis, in his strongest criticism of Islamist militants to date, said on Sunday no religious group which used violence and oppression could claim to be "the armour of God".

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1ut71Xm #gma news


US says other countries willing to launch air strikes in Syria #gma news

The United States says other countries are willing to launch air strikes in Syria against Islamic State militants and its UN ambassador predicted on Sunday: "We will not do the air strikes alone."

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tNyZ2k #gma news


2014년 9월21일 Twitter 이야기

Edolkey 01:12|twitter 리버풀 웨스트햄 중계 http://t.co/Gi1e1jsmY2 [케이블] SBS ESPN 중계 - 실시간TV Edolkey 09:57|twitter 박태환 경기 일정 - 박태환 결승 진출 아시안게임 실시간 중계 http://t.co/fmcWgwpmwF Edolkey 10:33|twitter LG전자 T2526W0Z 세탁기 리콜 후기 #2 LG전자 불만제로 먼지망 세탁기 손상된 의류는 누..<br><br>tag : <a href="/_blog/tagArticleList.do?blogid=0Y1TY&tagName=Twitter" rel="tag" target="_blank">Twitter</a>

from 필리핀 http://ift.tt/1C0r5oN


Top Asian News at 2:30 p.m. GMT

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan's two presidential candidates signed a power-sharing deal on Sunday that makes one president and the other chief executive, ending months of political wrangling following a disputed runoff that threatened to plunge the country into turmoil and complicate the withdrawal of foreign troops. Ending an election season that began with first-round ballots cast in April, the election commission named Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as the winner and next president. But the commission pointedly did not release final vote totals amid suggestions that doing so could inflame tensions.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1qWSZ2w


FDA warns against Taiwan food products tainted with recycled oil #gma news

Philippine health authorities on Tuesday issued an advisory against food products from Taiwan that may be tainted with recycled waste oil.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wVPwno #gma news


Afghanistan's presidential rivals sign power-sharing deal #gma news

Afghanistan's rival presidential candidates signed a deal on Sunday to share power after months of turmoil over a disputed election that destabilized the nation at a crucial time as most foreign troops prepare to leave.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1sQigac #gma news


DepEd targets normal classes in 2 weeks for Mayon-affected Albay #gma news

The Department of Education is eyeing a two-week period to restore normal classes in schools near restive Mayon Volcano in Albay.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1C0dcqL #gma news


NGCP completes restoration for power lines downed by Mario #gma news

Power should soon start returning to parts of Northern Luzon affected by Tropical Storm Mario (International Name: Fung-Wong) as the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines completed restoration work on transmission facilities affected by the storm.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mvnxaT #gma news


PNoy chides SC anew, but hopes for compromise #gma news

President Benigno S.C. Aquino III chided the Supreme Court anew for having "too much" power, but said he hopes to find a "healthy compromise" with the high court.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1urYBj8 #gma news


Syrian refugee flight to Turkey one of the worst since war began – UN #gma news

Turkey is facing one of the biggest influxes of refugees from neighboring Syria since the war there began more than three years ago, the United Nations' refugee agency said on Sunday, as civilians continued to flee clashes between Islamic State (IS) militants and Kurdish forces.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XFUpBo #gma news


Love in the Time of Martial Law #gma news

Fe and Roger had been co-teachers at a university for quite some time, occasionally exchanging nods and "hellos" inside the campus. But it was only when Roger won his first Palanca award for his poem "Mga Duguang Plakard" ("Bloodied Placards") that Fe finally took notice of him.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wVCC91 #gma news


NDRRMC: Mario leaves 11 dead, thousands still in evacuation centers #gma news

As it continues to move away from the country, Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) claimed 11 lives, while thousands more are in temporary shelters, according to the latest data from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (NDRRMC) Sunday evening.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1urOavT #gma news


Hopes dim for return of Philippine troops to Golan

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Philippine President Benigno Aquino III says he's been told security threats on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights are not expected to ease soon, dimming hopes that U.N. peacekeepers can be deployed back to the region in the near future.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1wCtcfo


Muslims and Christians throng Albania streets to greet Pope Francis #gma news

Christians and Muslims thronged the Albanian capital Sunday to greet Pope Francis, who arrived in the mainly Muslim country for a one-day visit to praise it as a model of religious harmony.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1qWAsDq #gma news


There’s time to approve national budget by Friday – House leaders #gma news

House Speaker Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II remains optimistic that the House of Representatives will be able to approve the proposed P2.6-trillion national budget for 2015 as scheduled despite the cancellation of the plenary session last Friday due to tropical storm Mario.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1urJTsi #gma news


Families of German MH17 victims to sue Ukraine – lawyer #gma news

Survivors of German victims of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 downed over Ukraine plan to sue the country and its president for manslaughter by negligence in 298 cases, the lawyer representing them said on Sunday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1seB7Bx #gma news


Tropical storm Fung-Wong lashes Taiwan, killing one

A man walks in rain brought by Typhoon Matmo in Xindien district in New Taipei City on July 23, 2014 Tropical storm Fung-Wong on Sunday pounded Taiwan with torrential downpours and powerful winds, killing one person and forcing the cancellation of dozens of flights and ferry services.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1rcm2N8


Longer jail time sought for gov’t officials transferring ill-gotten property #gma news

Stiffer fines and a longer prison sentence await any government employee who helps a public official transfer properties acquired through ill-gotten wealth, under the amendments proposed by two lawmakers to Republic Act 1379 or the law forfeiting these possessions in the State’s favor.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1seqgaK #gma news


Walang Pasok: Classes suspended in some areas on Monday, Sept. 22 #gma news

Some classes on Monday, September 22, will remain suspended in some areas in the country even as Tropical Storm Mario (International Name: Fung-Wong) moved farther away from the country.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1muzNIA #gma news


PNoy to address PHL territorial row with China on US trip #gma news

President Benigno S.C. Aquino will discuss the Philippines' territorial dispute with China during his five-day US visit after rallying European support for the use of international arbitration to resolve the issue, Manila's top diplomat in the US said Sunday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1BZrJms #gma news


Thailand's Chapchai wins Selangor Masters

Chapchai Nirat of Thailand, seen here in April, has won a fourth victory on the Asian Tour Thailand's Chapchai Nirat held off a hard-charging Antonio Lascuna of the Philippines to win the Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters in a playoff Sunday.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1tKZXHP


Lawmakers want application period for Martial Law victims extended to May #gma news

On the 42nd anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law, party-list lawmakers have urged Congress to extend the deadline – from November 2014 to May next year – for the filing of claims by victims of human rights violations during the Marcos regime.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1sOjgfa #gma news


2014년 9월 20일 토요일

White House intruder was armed with knife – officials #gma news

The Texas man arrested on Friday for charging at the White House was armed with a knife when he climbed a fence and made it into the executive mansion after President Barack Obama had departed, the US Attorney's Office said on Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1AYLJn0 #gma news


Kenya marks anniversary of Westgate mall attack #gma news

Kenya on Sunday marks a year since Somali Islamist gunmen attacked Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall, with anniversary commemorations including the unveiling of a memorial stone and candlelight vigil.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mtNSpD #gma news


Wife of British IS hostage pleads for his release #gma news

The wife of a British taxi driver being held hostage by Islamic State jihadists implored his captors to release him, saying Saturday she could not see how his death could assist any cause.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1AYKrbw #gma news


Pinoys in Boston welcome PNoy ‘home’ #gma news

President Benigno Aquino III arrived in Boston, Massachusetts late Saturday evening (Sunday morning in Manila) to begin his four-day working visit to the US after concluding his four-nation Europe trip.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1AYBtLx #gma news


Snake bites boy in Cainta #gma news

A boy was rushed to a hospital after being bitten by a snake in Cainta town in Rizal, one of the areas affected by floods caused by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong).

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1qVGrZj #gma news


Dead fish surface in Valenzuela, down some residents #gma news

Dead fish surfaced in some fish pens in Valenzuela City, days after Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) lashed Luzon including Metro Manila.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1AYt0I2 #gma news


Davao City eyes separate halal slaughterhouse #gma news

Citing requests from sheep and goat farmers, Davao City is eyeing a slaughterhouse for halal products for local distribution and for export to Southeast Asian markets.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1rbmrzm #gma news


INFOGRAPHIC: Marcos’ loot by numbers #gma news

Marcos' loot by numbers

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tIzs5Z #gma news


NDRRMC: Death toll from TS Mario rises to 10 #gma news

The death toll from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) rose to 10 as of early Sunday, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tIzrPt #gma news


Lone bettor wins nearly P23 million in Lotto 6/42 #gma news

A lone bettor won nearly P23 million Saturday night in the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office's Lotto 6/42 draw.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tFg8q4 #gma news


Thousands of Syrian Kurds flee to Turkey as Islamic State advances #gma news

Tens of thousands of Syrian Kurds have crossed into Turkey in the past 24 hours, fleeing an advance by Islamic State fighters who have seized dozens of villages close to the border and are advancing on a Syrian town.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wRGBDw #gma news


PNoy defends anew decision to cancel 2010 Laguna flood control project #gma news

President Benigno Aquino III defended his decision to axe the Laguna Lake Rehabilitation project, which aimed to alleviate flooding in Metro Manila by dredging Laguna de Bay.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1sJLN5n #gma news


PNoy awarded Freedom Medal in Germany for 'successful reforms' #gma news

President Benigno Aquino III was presented the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Freedom Medal in Berlin on Saturday during his official visit to Germany.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mq8HCk #gma news


Metro Manila deals with debris, destruction in Mario's wake #gma news

Residents of Metro Manila and nearby areas affected by Tropical Storm Mario (international name: Fung-Wong) are beginning to clean up after the storm as it moves toward southern Taiwan.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/Z1Hmfl #gma news


Top Asian News at 1:00 p.m. GMT

NEW YORK (AP) — Alibaba debuted as a publicly traded company Friday and swiftly climbed nearly 40 percent in a mammoth IPO that offered eager investors seemingly unlimited growth potential and a way to tap into the burgeoning Chinese middle class. The sharp demand for shares sent the market value of the e-commerce giant soaring well beyond that of Amazon, eBay and even Facebook. The initial public offering was on track to be the world's largest, with the possibility of raising as much as $25 billion.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1r9Wwtc


Quakes destroy or damage 83 houses in Philippines

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A series of earthquakes have destroyed 17 houses and damaged 66 others in a southern Philippine town, slightly injuring three people.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1DoB20W


Water pipe leak floods NAIA-3 #gma news

Some passengers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 were not spared from this weekend's "floods" as they were inconvenienced a flood caused by a water pipe leak.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mpR9Gs #gma news


Extra pay for employees who worked during Mario is companies' call, says DOLE #gma news

Employees from the private sector who reported for work last Friday, September 19 may or may not receive extra pay, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1undNht #gma news


Iraqi Christians fly to new life in France after escaping Islamic State #gma news

On a warm evening at Arbil International Airport in Iraqi Kurdistan some 150 mostly Christian refugees anxiously waited to flee their homeland aboard a French government plane.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XAcnW3 #gma news


On eve of martial law anniversary, VP Binay warns against clipping powers of judiciary #gma news

Vice President Jejomar Binay urged support behind an independent judiciary in a message on Saturday, the eve of the 42nd anniversary of the declaration of martial law of former president Ferdinand Marcos.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mpMgNM #gma news


Online shopping scammer in Cagayan de Oro caught after escape try #gma news

A man fleecing customers in an online shopping site was arrested Monday in Cagayan de Oro City, after one of his victims sought help from police.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1BWDiL9 #gma news


Suspected drug dealer injured in escape try #gma news

A suspected drug dealer was injured while trying to flee from authorities following a sting operation in Bula town in Camarines Sur province on Thursday night.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tEgzRx #gma news


Health stations set up at evacuation centers near Mayon #gma news

Health centers have been set up at several evacuation centers where residents living in the danger zone around restive Mayon Volcano are staying.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XA5EeC #gma news


100 families evacuated due to floods in Bulacan town #gma news

At least 100 families in Calumpit town in Bulacan province were evacuated Saturday due to floods that hit the area, a television report said Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XA5B2E #gma news


Kennon Road closed, half of Baguio without power due to Mario #gma news

The Philippines' summer capital Baguio City was not spared from the wrath of Tropical Storm Mario.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XA5DY6 #gma news


Blast rocks Lamitan, official blames Abu Sayyaf - report #gma news

Power at Lamitan City in Basilan went out for a few hours after a suspected improvised explosive device went off there on Friday night, a Mindanao news site reported Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wR8StP #gma news


Taiwan braces for tropical storm Fung-Wong

Commuters make their way through a flooded street in the suburbs of Manila after tropical storm Fung-Wong on September 19, 2014 Taiwan on Saturday readied nearly 50,000 troops in preparation for tropical storm Fung-Wong as it churns toward the island with threats of downpours and powerful winds after claiming five lives in the Philippines.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1qTHb12


3 more bodies recovered from Mario-hit areas in Luzon #gma news

The death toll from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) threatens to go up further after at least three bodies were recovered Saturday in Metro Manila and Rizal, two areas hit hard by the weather disturbance.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1v2MbyI #gma news


Belgium thwarts jihadist attacks – report #gma news

The Belgian authorities have prevented several attacks by jihadist fighters returning home from Syria and by sympathisers with the Islamic State extremist group, a report said Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XzYQh9 #gma news


2 more flights canceled due to TS Mario #gma news

At least two more flights were canceled on Saturday due to bad weather conditions caused by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong).

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1r9yf6s #gma news


Voter registration centers now open to SK applicants #gma news

Registration centers in the country opened to Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) applicants during the first day of the 10-day registration period in connection with the SK polls next year.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1umWVav #gma news


From Cagayan to Bicol, Mario's rains ravage Luzon #gma news

Various areas in Luzon were battered after Tropical Storm Mario made landfall in Northern Cagayan around 11 a.m. on Friday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1sIsLfV #gma news


Pinoys pick up pieces after storm leaves five dead #gma news

Thousands of people displaced by floods triggered by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) returned to their mud-caked homes in the Philippine capital Saturday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to five, officials said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wQOclF #gma news


Vice President Binay's camp takes no offense from Belmonte's retort on building comparison #gma news

Vice President Jejomar Binay's camp conceded to the statement issued by House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. that the Batasang Pambansa that serves as the premises of the House of Representatives is totally different from the controversial Makati City Hall Building II.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tDwKyx #gma news


Heavy rains caused by Habagat flood 5 barangays in 3 Bataan towns #gma news

Heavy rains in the afternoon of Friday caused by the southwest monsoon induced by storm Mario flooded five barangays in three towns in Bataan Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XzzX5i #gma news


집단 WPI 워크샵 8회 1부 : 로맨티스트 그룹 발표 by ddanzi


2014년 9월 19일 금요일

German Muslims condemn Islamic State in nationwide day of prayer #gma news

BERLIN - German Muslims condemned the actions of Islamic State in a nationwide day of prayer on Friday and vowed to stem the tide of youngsters heading to join radical militants in Syria and Iraq.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wyLjmp #gma news


Russia critical of MH17 inquiry, wants bigger UN role #gma news

UNITED NATIONS - Russia on Friday criticized an international investigation into the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane in Ukraine, saying it can be transparent only with more UN involvement, even though the world body found the inquiry met international standards.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wyK4Uw #gma news


NGCP: Power interruption hits Benguet and Mt. Province #gma news

Power interruption hit parts of Benguet and Mountain Province in northern Luzon after a power line tripped Saturday noon, the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/Z0H6gu #gma news


Ilocos Norte under state of calamity due to TS Mario #gma news

Ilocos Norte was placed under a state of calamity in the wake of bad weather conditions brought by Tropical Storm Mario.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tCypEw #gma news


US says Iran has role in tackling Islamic State #gma news

UNITED NATIONS - US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that Iran had a role to play in a global coalition to tackle Islamic State militants who have seized swaths of Iraq and Syria and proclaimed a caliphate in the heart of the Middle East.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1sHv1nr #gma news


Storm leaves 200,000 displaced in Philippines, heads for Taiwan

People wait to be rescued as they stand on the roof of their homes as tropical storm Fung-Wong battered the Philippine capital Manila MANILA (Reuters) - Storm Fung-Wong churned towards Taiwan on Saturday after killing at least five people in the Philippines, and forcing some 200,000 people into temporary shelter, including in the capital Manila, to escape massive flooding. Most shools on the main island of Luzon remained closed for a second day as a huge mopping-up operation began. Some public offices have reopened. "Some of our things are buried in mud, it will take awhile to clean up," a resident in Marikina City told Reuters while clearing up layers of mud and debris inside their residence. ...

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1tCsShb


Philippine storm moves north, leaves 5 dead

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Officials say a storm that brought torrential monsoon rains which flooded much of the Philippine capital has gained strength and battered the country's northern most provinces with heavy downpours and strong winds.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1tCo3o3


Mag-5.0 quake rocks Kidapawan area; aftershocks possible #gma news

A magnitude-5.0 quake rocked Kidapawan City in Mindanao Saturday noon, with the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology warning of possible aftershocks.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/Z0Ay1o #gma news


1 Abra fisherman missing due to bad weather from TS Mario #gma news

At least one fisherman in Abra province was reported missing allegedly after being swept by strong water currents amid bad weather conditions brought by Tropical Storm Mario.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XRgXzG #gma news


Pinoys among Asia Pacific’s most positive

Philippine flag When it comes to thinking positively, Philippines ranks the highest in the Asia Pacific region, says a study.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1BVPBaC


DOTC: At least 2 flights canceled due to bad weather in Laoag #gma news

At least two flights were canceled Saturday due to the weather condition in Laoag in Ilocos Norte, the Department of Transportation and Communications said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tCaC7J #gma news


North Korea says imprisoned American tried to become ‘second Snowden’ #gma news

An American recently sentenced to six years hard labor by a North Korean court pretended to have secret US information and was deliberately arrested in a bid to become famous and meet US missionary Kenneth Bae in a North Korean prison, state media said on Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/Z0sDBn #gma news


Navy rescues 53 passengers of capsized vessel in Cebu City #gma news

All 53 passengers of the capsized M/V Cruiser Sam and Shorty have been rescued in Cebu City, the Philippine Navy said Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tBV5os #gma news


France mounts Iraq strikes as jihadists advance in Syria #gma news

BAGHDAD - France mounted its first air strike to beat back the Islamic State group in Iraq on Friday, even as jihadists across the border in Syria seized dozens of Kurdish villages in a lightning offensive.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XRbjxB #gma news


1 hurt, 40 families lose home in predawn Pasig fire #gma news

At least one person was hurt while 40 families were rendered homeless in a fire that hit a residential area in Barangay Santolan in Pasig City before dawn Saturday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wPNy82 #gma news


16-year-old shot dead in Davao City; gang war eyed #gma news

A gang war is being eyed as a possible motive in the fatal shooting of a 16-year-old boy in Davao City on Wednesday night.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tBDnl0 #gma news


Albay veterinarians evacuate animals from Mayon danger zone #gma news

Provincial veterinarians of Albay on Saturday started evacuating domesticated animals from the six-kilometer permanent danger zone around restive Mayon Volcano.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/Z0eB2v #gma news


Man jumps White House fence, sparks brief evacuation #gma news

WASHINGTON - A man jumped over the White House fence and ran for several seconds towards the executive mansion on Friday, sparking an evacuation within the complex shortly after President Barack Obama and his daughters departed for the weekend.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1qSN1zU #gma news


Scottish nationalist leader Salmond quits after losing independence vote #gma news

EDINBURGH - Scottish nationalist Alex Salmond resigned as leader of his party on Friday and will quit as First Minister of his country after losing an independence referendum.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tBpVxq #gma news


PAGASA: 3 Luzon dams keep gates open #gma news

At least three major dams in Luzon kept their gates open early Saturday, as Tropical Storm Mario continued to bring rain to parts of the island.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1wPwdvZ #gma news


Dengue claims 2 lives in Cebu #gma news

At least two more residents in a town of Cebu province have died from the year-round threat dengue, prompting local health officials to launch a larvicidal campaign there.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tB01K9 #gma news


As weather improves, NCR evacuees start returning home #gma news

As the floods caused by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) in Metro Manila started to subside, residents displaced in some affected areas began returning to their homes Saturday, radio dzBB reported.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mnFFmW #gma news


Queen Elizabeth II urges unity after Scotland rejects independence #gma news

EDINBURGH - Scottish leader Alex Salmond said Friday he would resign after losing an independence referendum that left the United Kingdom intact, as Queen Elizabeth II called for "mutual respect" among Scots following a divisive campaign.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mnFI24 #gma news


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2014년 9월 18일 목요일

Tropical storm flooding shuts down Philippine capital

A woman is escorted on a makeshift raft along a flooded street during heavy rains brought on by tropical Storm Fung-Wong in Manila on September 19, 2014 Heavy rains brought by the outer bands of Tropical Storm Fung-Wong shut down the Philippine capital Manila on Friday, stranding motorists and forcing tens of thousands to flee their flooded homes, officials said.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1ugVtqj


Floods shut down Philippine capital

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Heavy rains from a storm and the seasonal monsoon caused widespread flooding Friday in the Philippine capital and nearby provinces, shutting down schools and government offices.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1mjag4V


Philippine peacekeepers pull out early from Golan

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippine military says the bulk of Filipino peacekeepers of more than 240 soldiers have pulled out two weeks early from the U.N. mission in the Golan Heights due to escalating fighting in the region.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1ugVtq6


EM ASIA FX-Ringgit hits 4-month low after rates held steady; Asia FX down for week

* Malaysian c.bank leaves rates unchanged * Ringgit to suffer worst week in nine month * Rupiah to post 5th week of loss, longest since November (Adds text, updates prices) By Jongwoo Cheon SINGAPORE, ...

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1mjah96


Scots voting against independence, early results show #gma news

EDINBURGH - Scotland has voted against breaking from the United Kingdom, early results from a divisive independence referendum showed.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XQ6Afs #gma news


Scots support staying in the United Kingdom, partial results show #gma news

EDINBURGH - Scottish voters have spurned independence by voting to stay in the United Kingdom, partial results showed with more than 60 percent of the votes declared.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XQ6Afk #gma news


Girl dies from Quezon City floods – report #gma news

One person was reported killed in the wake of floods that submerged Metro Manila following heavy rain from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong), radio dzBB reported Friday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1tt6Tcw #gma news


NCR considered an area of concern as floodwater inundates some areas #gma news

Metro Manila is now considered an area of concern after several areas were flooded due to hours of heavy rain from Tropical Storm Mario and the Southwest Monsoon. At a press briefing on Friday, Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II also said residents should stay alert even though the volume of rainfall began to decrease Friday afternoon, stressing that accumulated rainwater from higher areas will continue to trickle into waterways in low-lying areas.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1ugLGAq #gma news


Benguet dam starts releasing water as another red warning up over NCR, nearby provinces #gma news

A dam in northern Luzon started releasing excess water amid heavy rain from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong), state-run Philippine Information Agency reported Friday noon.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1uYBuxb #gma news


Lahar flows in village near restive Mayon Volcano #gma news

Amid heavy rain from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong), lahar flowed in a barangay near restive Mayon Volcano in Albay province Friday.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1miUNC1 #gma news


Australian PM cites ‘chatter’ of attacks on government, parliament #gma news

SYDNEY - Intelligence "chatter" has revealed that militants plan to attack Australian politicians and government buildings, the prime minister said on Friday, a day after hundreds of police carried out a sweeping counterterrorism operation.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1miULKp #gma news


NUJP: Radioman threatened for reporting on anti-drug operation #gma news

A broadcaster in Maramag town in Bukidnon is allegedly getting threats for reporting on an anti-drug sting operation that netted some P7 million in methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu).

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1miTQcQ #gma news


Fitch: US Rate Shock, Divergent Implications for APAC Sovereigns

(The following statement was released by the rating agency) HONG KONG/SINGAPORE, September 19 (Fitch) Emerging markets with large external funding requirements, high leverage and relatively greater reliance ...

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1tsYJkg


Top Asian News at 4:00 a.m. GMT

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — The Islamic State plot to carry out random beheadings in Sydney alleged by police is a simple and barbaric scheme that has shaken Australians. But terrorism experts on Friday questioned whether the ruthless movement had the capacity or inclination to sustain a terror campaign so far from the Middle East. Police said they thwarted a plot to carry out beheadings in Australia by Islamic State group supporters when they raided more than a dozen properties across Sydney on Thursday.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1tsYLbT


Coast Guard: 440 stranded due to Mario #gma news

At least 440 people were stranded Friday due to bad weather conditions brought by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong), the Philippine Coast Guard said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1riu7S7 #gma news


Floods shut down Philippine capital

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Heavy rains due to a storm and the seasonal monsoon have caused widespread flooding in the Philippine capital and nearby provinces, shutting down schools and government offices.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/XrPjJ8


Teen beaten up, hanged in Ilocos Sur #gma news

Confronting a work colleague allegedly sending text messages to his girlfriend proved fatal for a 16-year-old boy, who was beaten up with a pipe and hanged in Narvacan town in Ilocos Sur province.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1miLdPv #gma news


Forced evacuation ongoing in parts of Manila #gma news

Forced evacuation of residents in some areas in Manila started Friday morning, Vice Mayor Francisco Domagoso (Isko Moreno) said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1qPInCv #gma news


La Mesa Dam starts spilling excess water #gma news

The La Mesa Dam in Quezon City started spilling excess water at 10:30 a.m. after the water level there breached its spilling level.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1o7ykmJ #gma news


MMDA: Number coding lifted amid bad weather #gma news

The number coding in major roads of Metro Manila was lifted Friday amid bad weather conditions from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong), the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mkiR7b #gma news


2 Bulacan dams open gates amid heavy rain #gma news

Two dams in Bulacan opened their gates Friday morning to spill excess water, amid heavy rain brought by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong).

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1DmnjYm #gma news


List of canceled flights on Sept. 19 #gma news

The following flights have been cancelled on Friday, September 19. Data compiled from announcements from Manila International Airport Authority and Department of Transportation and Communication.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1ri9fue #gma news


Meralco switches off power in some QC areas due to floods #gma news

The Manila Electric Co. on Friday morning shut off power to at least four areas in Quezon City due to severe flooding in those areas.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1syedze #gma news


Broadcaster harassed in Northern Samar, says NUJP #gma news

A broadcaster in Northern Samar has claimed getting threatening text messages while he was anchoring his radio program last Sept. 12, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines said.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XPjQB6 #gma news


Residents near Tullahan River evacuated as La Mesa Dam nears spilling level #gma news

Residents near parts of Tullahan River were preemptively evacuated from their homes Friday morning as a red alert was declared over the La Mesa Dam in Quezon City at 9 a.m.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1syecvp #gma news


Tropical Storm Mario: Quick Links #gma news

GMA News Online compiled these links for easy access to information as the nation deals with Tropical Storm Mario and its aftermath.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/Xrjos1 #gma news


Scots vote in record numbers, await independence verdict #gma news

EDINBURGH - Scots agonized over the fate of their country on Friday after record numbers voted in a divisive independence referendum that could break apart the United Kingdom.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XrhibL #gma news


EM ASIA FX-Ringgit, won fall; yuan strengthens

Sept 19 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0135 GMT. CURRENCIES VS U.S. DOLLAR Change on the day at 0135 GMT Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move ...

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/1sy9FsN


[럭키파파 육아일기 D+142] Hib(뇌수막염) 폐구균(폐렴구균) 2차 예방접종일, 예방접종 시 주의사항 #육아당

[럭키파파 육아일기 D+142] Hib(뇌수막염) 폐구균(폐렴구균) 2차 예방접종일, 예방접종 시 주의사항 #육아당 지난 7월에 뇌수막염, 페구균 예방접종 1차를 완료했습니다. 당시에 산후조리를 마치고 집에 내려온지 얼마 안되었기도했고 돌봐주시는분 없이 부부가 처음 겪는 예방접종이다보니... 많이 쫄았는데요... 벌써 두달이 지나서 2차를 맞아야하는 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이때 얻었던 팁은 병원을 옮길때는 같은 백신이 있는지 확인하고 가야한다 였습니다. 에덴병원에서 뇌수막염, 폐구균 예방접종 할때 로타, 플리오, DTap 백신이 없다고 미리 알려주신 덕에 헛걸음 안하고 잘 찾아갔던 기억이 나네요 그런걸 안알려주실수.......

from 비타민나라 http://ift.tt/1uYcSEC


Heavy rain floods Philippine capital; markets, schools shut

MANILA (Reuters) - A tropical storm dumped heavy rain on the Philippine capital on Friday, flooding many parts of the city, shutting schools, government offices and financial markets. Thousands of residents in low-lying areas were moved to higher ground, officials said, as flood waters rose quickly after the equivalent of half a month's usual rain fell in six hours. The Philippine Stock Exchange suspended trade after the government cancelled work and classes in the capital. ...

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/XrgwLU


Updates: Tropical storm Mario in PH

Malacanang has cancelled classes and work in government offices as Typhoon Mario hits several parts of the country.

from Latest Philippines News | Philippines News Headlines – Yahoo Philippines News http://ift.tt/Xrgwvk


SC: Judiciary offices under red rainfall alert suspended #gma news

The Supreme Court on Friday suspended judiciary offices in areas under red rainfall alert, amid heavy rain from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong).

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/XrcJOK #gma news


Traffic near NLEX heavy amid floods #gma news

The heavy rain and floods brought by Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) snarled traffic at the North Luzon Expressway Friday morning.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1r5kW5K #gma news


Flooded areas in Metro Manila on Sept. 19 #gma news

The combined effect of Tropical Storm Mario and the southwest monsoon brought heavy rain to Metro Manila and nearby provinces, flooding many areas.

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1mk3onK #gma news


La Mesa Dam nears spilling level, residents along Tullahan River warned #gma news

Residents near the Tullahan River in Quezon City were advised Friday to take "extreme caution" as the La Mesa Dam neared spilling level past 8 a.m., amid heavy rain from Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong).

from GMA News Online / News http://ift.tt/1uY6TQd #gma news